An italian coffee bar with a neon sign saying "No Martini, No Americano"

When to Drink Different Types of Coffee.

When to Drink Different Types of Coffee (According to Italian Coffee Culture)

Surprisingly, the answer to this question is not simply “in the morning.”

Coffee culture is a growing trend in many countries, but no society is more passionate about coffee than Italians. Read on to find out why ordering a 3pm latte in Rome is the ultimate coffee faux pas, and why it might land you with an eye roll and a look of scathing “disprezzo”.

Which type of coffee is best to drink in the morning?


A cappuccino in a blue cup and saucer with chocolate powder on top

This frothy coffee affair is thick and luxurious, crafted with a shot of espresso and topped with velvety steamed milk and a layer of foam. Traditionally served in a large cup and topped with a dusting of chocolate powder, this milky beverage is considered the best type of coffee to drink in the morning. Whilst perfectly normal in the UK, ordering a cappuccino after 11pm in Italy is considered incredibly gauche.


someone pouring milk into a cup forming latte art

Latte directly translates from Italian to “milk” in English, so if you order a “Latte” in Italy, expect to receive just that: a glass a milk! For the popular coffee beverage, you’ll need to order a “caffé latte”. This coffee is made with one or two shots of espresso and topped with steamed milk and a fine layer of foam. The caffé latte is also popular served over ice, known in the UK simply as an Iced Latte, and in Italy as a “Shakerato” (milk, coffee and sweetener shaken over ice. Think espresso martini, without the martini!)


Close up of a white cup brimming with mocha, whipped cream and chocolate flakes

Like the cappuccino and caffé latte, the Mocha is an espresso based milky coffee that has been sweetened with chocolate. This indulgent drink might sound like more of a dessert than a breakfast drink, but in Italian culture it is still considered a beverage for the morning due to its high milk content.

What is the Best Type of Coffee to Drink for a Midday Pick-Me-Up?

In Italian coffee culture, it is considered unusual to consume milk after a meal, so this quick shot of coffee is considered the healthiest type of coffee to drink to get your caffeine fix without disrupting digestion. Whilst this is rooted more in tradition than it is in science, this practice is still deeply rooted in Italian coffee practices.


Blue espresso cup and saucer

Espresso is coffee in its most concentrated form, made with hot water and finely ground coffee beans at high pressure to form a thick velvety shot that forms the base of all the coffee drinks listed here.

There are multiple different ways to drink espresso, including the Lungo, produced with a longer extraction time for a drink that’s twice the size of an espresso and therefore less intense, but the longer extraction time increases the risk of bitterness.

On the flip side we have the Ristretto, a shorter espresso variation that is brewed with one part coffee and one part water for a shorter extraction time. This brew is extremely concentrated and is sure to put some hairs on your chest!


a black coffee in a white mug

An Americano is simply a shot of espresso diluted with hot water, originally created by Americans stationed in Italy during WW2 to replicate the familiar drip coffee that was favoured in the States at the time. By diluting with hot water, one can still enjoy the balanced flavour of the espresso without the sharp intensity that is rarely coveted outside of Europe.

Coffee For Special Situations:


a glass cup of espresso topped with milk foam

The macchiato is an espresso with a dash of foamed milk, and therefore falls somewhere in the middle when it comes to the ideal time of day for consumption. You will not raise any eyebrows by ordering this drink in the afternoon, but it’s still not considered appropriate for after dinner where espresso is typically served.

What The Science Says

coffee beans and science lab equipment

So that’s the traditional Italian way to drink coffee, but what does the science say? This depends on the amount of cortisol, the hormone responsible for the sleep-wake cycle, present in your body. Cortisol levels tend to peak first thing in the morning and begin to drop off throughout the day in preparation for sleep. Evidence suggests that the best time of day to drink your coffee is between 9:30 and 11:30am when your cortisol levels are beginning to take a dip. Drinking your first cup of coffee first thing after waking can result in too much cortisol, increasing the risk of negative side effects, such as stress and anxiety, that can be caused by caffeine. It is also recommended to stop drinking caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime to avoid sleep disruption. Read our blog post “How Much Caffeine is Too Much?” to learn more about the effects of caffeine on your health and well-being.

So, there you have it! Unless you are in Italy, it’s unlikely you need to worry when to drink different types of coffee. Coffee culture in the UK strongly favours milk-based coffee drinks such as lattes and cappuccinos, even the Starbucks Macchiato has a closer resemblance to a latte than an espresso, whereas the Italians are much more traditional in their coffee practices. However, while it’s perfectly acceptable to have a 3pm latte, studies suggests that you might want to hold off or consider a decaf option if you find it’s disrupting it’s your sleep.

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